Thursday, October 21, 2010

Manage Workflow Notification Mailer in Test R11i Instances

Following a clone, be sure to validate the a test email address has been set for the Workflow Notification Mailer. Failing to do so, could result in issues where users receive emails that they may assume are from the production system. This will cause a lot of confusion amoung the users.

The Workflow Test Email address can be set outside of OAM. This is useful for automating the change. Oracle Support ID 459932.1. 'How To Set A Different "Test Email Address" For The Workflow Notification Without Connecting To OAM.' Describes the process. Be sure to run through the process manually in a test system to validate the steps. Add details on performing any such steps to your cloning documentation.

From within OAM you can perform the following steps to change the Test Email Address:

  • At the OAM Dashboard, navigate to Workflow Manager.
  • At Workflow Manager, select the Service Components link.
  • At Service Components page, select the Workflow Notification Mailer link.
  • From here, edit the mailer to set the Test Email Address to a valid email address for your organization.

When the steps have been completed, be sure to test the mailer to validate the email has been changed.

You may want to assign each test instance it's own email address. Having all instances send information to one addess will result in confusion if workflow related testing needs to be performed. Also, don't forget to regularly purge the emails from the test address. Failure to remove old emails can result in a large amount of wasted space on your email servers.

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